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Na ovoj stranici se vrši upis novih članova u Školu plivanja i Školu vaterpola VK Partizan.

Datum početka:



12 termina mesečno - 4.800rsd
8 termina mesečno - 4.000rsd


12 termina mesečno: Ponedeljak - Petak od 18h-19h, Subota od 11-12h i 12-13h.
8 Termina mesečno: Subota, Nedelja od 18h-19h


  • I nivo obuka neplivača predškolskog uzrasta i I razred osnovne skole
  • II razred osnovne skole i stariji
  • Usavršavanje stilova
  • Kondiciono i trenažno plivanje
  • Korektivno plivanje

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    Zvanična prezentacija Vaterpolo kluba PARTIZAN

    Welcome on sign-in page for Partizan Waterpolo CAMP!


    July, August, 2024.


    Camp is taking place in Belgrade, in Sport Center „Banjica“ – WPC „Partizan“ with 2 indoor and 2 outdoor pools 50x22m

    Accommodation (NOT INCLUDED IN PRICE):

    3* Hotel “N”, 500m far from the pool, including full board
    *price depends on situation on the market (in this moment prices are, for one person, around 60 Euro FB/per day in double or triple room ). If you are interesting for accommodation it has to be paid via club.


    Airport – Hotel – Airport


    Aleksandar Nikolic

    Daily schedule of training includes:

    Training sessions will start on Monday morning and last session will be on Saturday evening. Total of 12 training sessions.
    There will be possibility for personal training sessions on Sunday.

    Waterpolo skills include in training:

    1. Swimming warm up models
    2. Water polo technique (various elements in accordance with players’ age)
    3. Water polo tactics ( various elements in accordance with players’ age)
    4. Individual work according to each player’s position (techniques and tactics)

    Water Polo Club Partizan was founded in 1952 and since than it has been continuously competing on the highest level, gaining impressive results and winning all national and international titles. Ever since the Serbian Water Polo Association has been founded, WPC Partizan’s coaches took a major role in creating a tactic and obtaining player’s top form. As the most numerous in Serbian Water Polo National Team, Partizan players took the greatest responsibility for all the trophies Serbian National team conquered on Olympic Games, World, European, Balkan Championships and FINA Cup.

    The camp provides the highest level of group and individual trainings in a positive and friendly atmosphere. The goal is to motivate the camp participants in achieving top results, developing personal skills, building self-confidence, team spirit and winning mentality. The training accent is on player’s personal technics development, as well as the overall team development.


    30 Euro per training session per persons
    50 Euro for personal training session


      Age group (choose more if necessary)

      Application will be validated by down payment of 50€ for each member of the team or 100€ for individual arrivals. The down payment is non refundable.

      You are very welcome to the most famous water polo school in Europe and worldwide!


      Water Polo Club Partizan

      was founded in 1947 and since than it has been continuously competing on the highest level, gaining impressive results and winning all national and international titles. Ever since the Serbian Water Polo Association has been founded, WPC Partizan’s coaches took a major role in creating a tactic and obtaining player’s top form. As the most numerous in Serbian Water Polo National Team, Partizan players took the greatest responsibility for all the trophies Serbian National team conquered on Olympic Games, World, European, Balkan Championships and FINA Cup.More than 50 Olympic Champion amoung them Filip Filipovic, Dejan Savic, Zivko Gocic, Aleksandar Šoštar, Igor Milanovic..
      The camp provides the highest level of group and individual trainings in a positive and friendly atmosphere. The goal is to motivate the camp participants in achieving top results, developing personal skills, building self-confidence, team spirit and winning mentality. The training accent is on player’s personal technics development, as well as the overall team development.


      Waterpolo Club Partizan

      You can call us: